At Lockney ISD we are dedicated to the holistic education (meaning academic, social, emotional, and physical) of each student. It is true that education for children and adolescents is most effective when it is partnership between family and school. As such we have gathered the following resources to assist parents in the process of having critical conversations with your child regarding topics related to their social, emotional and physical well-being and growth. |

Talking Points for the Dinner Table:
If someone you respect saw your text, would it change their perception of you? Would you be embarrassed?
How does trust change over time?
What are the long-term consequences? How could one decision impact your future?
Click the Link Below for Resources |
CommonSense.Org - Lesson on Sexting and Relationships (includes videos, family activity, slides, and more) Parents may need to create an account for full access to materials, but it is FREE! |
When should you involve an adult that you trust if you are feeling pressured to engage in a sexting conversation?
What information about yourself is personal, private or intimate? How could sharing these details about yourself with others (in person or online) give others power over you?

Talking Points for the Dinner Table:
Let's practice "cocoa mug breathing" - Hold your imaginary mug, breathe in deeply for 4 counts (smell the cocoa), hold that breathe for 4 counts (really savor that yummy chocolate smell), now breathe out strongly for 4 counts (blow out to cool down your cocoa).
Practice grounding strategies (meaning engage each of your senses by listening to music, playing with a fidget or stress ball, watching the hands on a clock move, etc.) and see which strategy soothes each family member the best!

Talking Points for the Dinner Table:
Make a plan for how your student can let you know they are in an unsafe situation, while saving face with their friends. For example, if your student's friends suggests they try a vape. They could send a "code word" by text to you and you will know they need an excuse to leave immediately. Remember, parents are a child's best excuse!
What do you do when a GOOD FRIEND makes a BAD CHOICE? Remember, making one bad choice doesn't mean you are a bad person. Encourage your child to be a leader amongst their friend group.
Our hope is to BUILD this parent resource page with information on all topics you are concerned about for your child. If you have a topic you would like added, please email sherman.kayla@lockneyisd.net |