Darryn Perryman, Advisor Email: perryman.darryn@lockneyisd.net Ashleigh Hillemeyer, Advisor Email: hillemeyer.ashleigh@lockneyisd.net Meredith Tannahill, Advisor Email: tannahill.meredith@lockneyisd.net | About the National FFA Organization FFA is a dynamic youth organization that changes lives and prepares members for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. FFA develops members’ potential and helps them discover their talent through hands-on experiences, which give members the tools to achieve real-world success. Members are future farmers, chemists, veterinarians, government officials, entrepreneurs, bankers, international business leaders, teachers and premier professionals in many career fields. FFA is an intracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. Learn more about the National FFA Organization at https://www.ffa.org/. |
Upcoming Activities
January 12-15 Fort Worth Ag Mechanics Show
January 25th & 27th Weld Off
February 1-4 San Angelo Ag Mechanics Show
March 1st Cisco College Invitational Career Development Events (CDE)
March 21 Tarleton State Univ. Invitational CDE
March 22 WTAMU Invitational CDE
March 23 Clarendon College Invitational CDE
March 25th Snyder FFA Build Off
March 28 Sweetwater FFA Invitational CDE
April 5th Angelo State University Invitational CDE
April 6th Texas Tech Invitational CDE
April 8th Area Dairy Cattle Judging Contest
April 12th Area Vet Science Contest (TENTATIVE)
April 12th-13th All other Area CDE Contests @ TTU
April 20th State CDE Contests (Cotton) @TTU
May 13-15 Area Convention